Galaxy Innovation Initiative LTD is a dynamic platform where the best minds, aspirant innovators, visionary funders, eager trainees, and transformative grants come together to create a synergy that propels us toward an exciting and transformative future
From supporting the identification, recording, protection of innovative ideas of students and other innovators in different communities to mentoring, coordinating the establishment and implementation of appropriate policies, standards, processes, infrastructures and partnerships to nature the innovative ideas. The Galaxy also works with partners to ensure appropriate prioritization, relevant capacity development, innovation recognition and publication of the same
Capacity Building
Innovation Boot Camps
A program to build agents of sustaining innovation momentum in local institutions through capacity building.
70 / 85 Students
Innovation Clubs
Preps researchers & innovators to transition their research output to commercial value
70 / 85 Students
innovation confrences
Advancing the national commercialisation infrastructure
70 / 85 Students
Innovation teams
Emphasize students teamwork to create diversity in ideas. Team building increases networking among innovators